1. Overview of Cognitive Therapy
Historical Development
Philosophy and Theory
2. Cognitive Therapy with Couples
Brief History and Overview
Beliefs About the Relationship
Alternative Versus Distorted Beliefs
Unrealistic Expectations
Causal Attributions and Misattributions
3. Assessment
Conjoint Interviews
Written Inventories and Questionnaires
Individual Interviews
Establishing a Treatment Contract
Identifying Problem Areas
Identifying Couples Automatic Thoughts
Using Automatic Thoughts to Uncover Underlying Beliefs (Schemas)
Identity from Family of Origin
Clinician's Intake Evaluation for Couples
4. Techniques and Procedures
Educating Couples to the Cognitive Model
Identifying Cognitive Distortions and Labeling Them
Faulty Information Processing
Negative Framing
Teaching Couples to Identify Automatic Thoughts
Linking Emotions with Automatic Thoughts
The Use of Imagery and Role Play Techniques
Dispelling Automatic Thoughts and Reframing/Testing Automatic Thoughts
Rating the Alternative Explanation or Alternative Response
The Use of Downward Arrow
The Use of Evidence in Correcting Distorted Thinking
Weighing the Evidence and Testing Predictions
Practicing Alternative Explanations
Reframing - Considering the Negatives in a Positive Light
Increasing Positives in the Relationship
Communication Training and Problem Solving
Teaching Communication Skills
Common Difficulties That Impede Communication Skills Acquisition
Problem Solving
5. The Structure of Cognitive Therapy with Couples
Course and Frequency of Therapy Sessions
Individual Versus Conjoint Sessions
Setting Agendas
Homework Assignments
Follow-Up Booster Sessions
6. Special Issues in Couple Therapy
Crises Situations
Anger and Violence Situations
When One Wants Out and the Other Doesn't
When Is It Time to End the Relationship?
Other Psychiatric Disorders in the Couple
Cultural Issues
Gay and Lesbian Couples
7. Case Vignette: Zack and Carli
8. Concluding Remarks
About the Authors
Frank M. Dattilio, PhD, received his doctorate in Psychological
Studies from Temple University and completed a clinical post-doctoral fellowship
through the Center for Cognitive Therapy at the University of Pennsylvania
School of Medicine. He is a licensed psychologist and is listed in the National
Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology. A Clinical Member and
Approved Supervisor of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy,
he is also an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education at Lehigh University, as
well as Clinical Associate in Psychiatry (Psychology) at the Center for Cognitive
Therapy, University of Pennsylvania. His areas of specialization include
individual, marital, and family therapy, and he has authored and co-authored
numerous professional articles and chapters on the treatment of behavior
disorders, anxiety, and marital discord. Dr. Dattilio has lectured in both the
U.S. and Europe and is an editor or co-editor of multiple books and articles.
Christine A. Padesky, PhD, received her doctorate in clinical psychology
from UCLA and is Founder and Director of the Center for Cognitive Therapy,
Newport Beach, California. She is a licensed psychologist and listed in the
National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology. She is also an
Assistant Clinical Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior
at the University of California, Irvine. Dr. Padesky has been cited as one of
the leading Cognitive Therapy instructors in both the United States and abroad.
In addition to being founding editor of the International Cognitive Therapy
Newsletter, she has written articles and book chapters on depression,
anxiety disorders, personality disorders, and cognitive therapy with women. Dr.
Padesky is one of the co-authors with Aaron T. Beck, MD, of Cognitive Therapy
of Personality Disorders (Guilford, 1990) and numerous other titles.