- Mindfulness in Clinical Practice + Mindfulness Practices (Book w/Audio CD)
- Mindfulness Practices (Audio CD with 6 Exercises)
- Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention for Addictive Behaviors (Second Edition)
- Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention for Addictive Behaviors (Second Edition) - CE Program (BOOK & TEST) - 8 Credits/Hours
- Miranda Rights Comprehension Instruments (MRCI)
- Multiaxial Diagnostic Inventory - Revised (MDI-R)
- Multiple Relationships and Conflict of Interest for Mental Health Professionals: A Conservative Psycholegal Approach
- Multiple Relationships and Conflict of Interest for Mental Health Professionals: A Conservative Psycholegal Approach - CE Program (BOOK & TEST) - 6 Credits/Hours
- Multiple Relationships and Conflict of Interest for Mental Health Professionals: A Conservative Psycholegal Approach - ONLINE COURSE (Complete Program*) - 6 CE Credits/Hours
- Multiple Relationships and Conflict of Interest for Mental Health Professionals: A Conservative Psycholegal Approach - ONLINE COURSE (Exam Only*) - 6 CE Credits/Hours
- N
- Neuropsychology of Cognitive Decline
- Neuropsychology of Cognitive Decline - CE Program (BOOK & TEST) - 16 Credits/Hours
- Neuropsychology of Cognitive Decline - ONLINE COURSE (Exam Only*) - 16 CE Credits/Hours
- O
- P
- Pack of 2 Domestic Violence CE Programs (PEN & PAPER) - 2 Credits/Hours
- PAI® Interpretive Report for Correctional Settings™ (PAI-CS) - Item/Response Booklets (pkg/25)
- Palliative Care and End of Life - CE Program (PDF FORMAT) - 2 Credits/Hours
- Palliative Care and End of Life - CE Program (PEN & PAPER) - 2 Credits/Hours
- Palliative Care and End of Life - ONLINE COURSE (Complete Program) - 2 CE Credits/Hours
- Parenting Plan & Child Custody Evaluations: Using Decision Trees to Increase Evaluator Competence & Avoid Preventable Errors
- Parenting Plan & Child Custody Evaluations: Using Decision Trees to Increase Evaluator Competence & Avoid Preventable Errors - CE Program (BOOK & TEST) - 7 Credits/Hours
- Parenting Plan & Child Custody Evaluations: Using Decision Trees to Increase Evaluator Competence & Avoid Preventable Errors - ONLINE COURSE (Exam Only*) - 7 CE Credits/Hours
- Pedagogia Creativa: 52 esercizi per i gruppi ("Creative Therapy" Italian Translation)
- Perspectives on Spirituality and Religion in Psychotherapy
- Perspectives on Spirituality and Religion in Psychotherapy - CE Program (BOOK & TEST) - 18 Credits/Hours
- Perspectives on Spirituality and Religion in Psychotherapy - ONLINE COURSE (Complete Program*) - 18 CE Credits/Hours
- Perspectives on Spirituality and Religion in Psychotherapy - ONLINE COURSE (Exam Only*) - 18 CE Credits/Hours
- Play Therapy With Kids & Canines: Benefits for Children's Developmental and Psychosocial Health
- Play Therapy With Kids & Canines: Benefits for Children's Developmental and Psychosocial Health - CE Program (BOOK & TEST) - 6 Credits/Hours
- Play Therapy With Kids & Canines: Benefits for Children's Developmental and Psychosocial Health - ONLINE COURSE (Complete Program*) - 6 CE Credits/Hours
- Play Therapy With Kids & Canines: Benefits for Children's Developmental and Psychosocial Health - ONLINE COURSE (Exam Only*) - 6 CE Credits/Hours
- Pleasure Playbook
- Practical Assessment of Testamentary Capacity and Undue Influence in the Elderly
- Practical Assessment of Testamentary Capacity and Undue Influence in the Elderly - CE Program (BOOK & TEST) - 4 Credits/Hours
- Practical Assessment of Testamentary Capacity and Undue Influence in the Elderly - ONLINE COURSE (Complete Program*) - 4 CE Credits/Hours
- Practical Assessment of Testamentary Capacity and Undue Influence in the Elderly - ONLINE COURSE (Exam Only*) - 4 CE Credits/Hours
- Preparing for a Forensic Mental Health Practice (Audio CD)
- Preventing Medical Errors in Your Mental Health Practice - CE Program (PDF FORMAT) - 2 Credits/Hours
- Preventing Medical Errors in Your Mental Health Practice - CE Program (PEN & PAPER) - 2 Credits/Hours
- Preventing Medical Errors in Your Mental Health Practice - ONLINE COURSE (Complete Program) - 2 CE Credits/Hours
- Projective Genogramming (Russian Translation)
- Psychology of Prejudice: Third Edition
- Psychology of Prejudice: Third Edition - CE Program (BOOK & TEST) - 16 Credits/Hours
- R
- REBT for People with Co-occuring Problems - ONLINE COURSE (Complete Program*) - 15 CE Credits/Hours
- REBT for People with Co-occuring Problems - ONLINE COURSE (Exam Only*) - 15 CE Credits/Hours
- REBT For People With Co-occurring Problems: Albert Ellis in the Wilds of Arizona
- REBT For People With Co-occurring Problems: Albert Ellis in the Wilds of Arizona - CE Program (BOOK & TEST) - 15 Credits/Hours
- Risk Management: Clinical, Ethical, & Legal Guidelines for Successful Practice - Second Edition (Book w/CD-ROM)
- Risk Management: Clinical, Ethical, & Legal Guidelines for Successful Practice (Second Edition) - CE Program (BOOK & TEST) - 12 Credits/Hours
- Risk Management: Clinical, Ethical, and Legal Guidelines for Successful Practice (Second Edition) - ONLINE COURSE (Complete Program*) - 12 Ethics CE Credits/Hours
- Risk Management: Clinical, Ethical, and Legal Guidelines for Successful Practice (Second Edition) - ONLINE COURSE (Exam Only*) - 12 Ethics CE Credits/Hours
- S
- Sex and Gender: Current Clinical Concepts and Practices
- Sex and Gender: Current Clinical Concepts and Practices - CE Program (BOOK & TEST) - 30 Credits/Hours
- Sexual Violence in the United States - Domestic Violence CE Program (PDF FORMAT) - 2 Credits/Hours
- Sexual Violence in the United States - Domestic Violence CE Program (PEN & PAPER) - 2 Credits/Hours
- Sexual Violence in the United States - ONLINE COURSE (Complete CE Program) - 2 CE Credits/Hours
- Sexuality & Gender Diversity Training Program: Increasing the Competency of Mental Health Professionals - CE Program (BOOK & TEST) - 3 Credits/Hours
- Sexuality & Gender Diversity Training Program: Increasing the Competency of Mental Health Professionals - ONLINE COURSE (Complete Program*) - 3 CE Credits/Hours)
- Sexuality & Gender Diversity Training Program: Increasing the Competency of Mental Health Professionals - ONLINE COURSE (Exam Only*) - 3 CE Credits/Hours
- Sexuality & Gender Diversity Training Program: Increasing the Competency of Mental Health Professionals (Book w/CD-ROM)
- Spouse Abuse: Assessing & Treating Battered Women, Batterers, & Their Children (Second Edition)
- Spouse Abuse: Assessing & Treating Battered Women, Batterers, & Their Children (Second Edition) - CE Program (BOOK & TEST) - 6 Credits/Hours
- Spouse Abuse: Assessing & Treating Battered Women, Batterers, & Their Children (Second Edition) - ONLINE COURSE (Complete Program*) - 6 CE Credits/Hours
- Spouse Abuse: Assessing & Treating Battered Women, Batterers, & Their Children (Second Edition) - ONLINE COURSE (Exam Only*) - 6 CE Credits/Hours
- Stalking Victimization and Intimate Partner Abuse - Domestic Violence CE Program (PDF FORMAT) - 1 Credit/Hour
- Stalking Victimization and Intimate Partner Abuse - Domestic Violence CE Program (PEN & PAPER) - 1 Credit/Hour
- Stalking Victimization and Intimate Partner Abuse - ONLINE COURSE (Complete Program) - 1 CE Credit/Hour
- Statutes and Rules Governing the Practice of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling in Florida - CE Program (PDF FORMAT) - 3 Credits/Hours
- Statutes and Rules Governing the Practice of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling in Florida - CE Program (PEN & PAPER) - 3 Credits/Hours
- Statutes and Rules Governing the Practice of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling in Florida - ONLINE COURSE (Complete Program) - 3 CE Credits/Hours
- Structured Adolescent Psychotherapy Groups
- Structured Adolescent Psychotherapy Groups (Korean Translation)
- Structured Psychotherapy Groups for Sexually Abused Children and Adolescents
- T
- Tarasoff and Beyond: Legal and Clinical Considerations in the Treatment of Life-Endangering Patients (Third Edition)
- Tarasoff and Beyond: Legal and Clinical Considerations in the Treatment of Life-Endangering Patients (Third Edition) - CE Program (BOOK & TEST) - 3 Credits/Hours
- Tarasoff and Beyond: Legal and Clinical Considerations in the Treatment of Life-Endangering Patients (Third Edition) - ONLINE COURSE (Complete Program*) - 3 Ethics CE Credits/Hours
- Tarasoff and Beyond: Legal and Clinical Considerations in the Treatment of Life-Endangering Patients (Third Edition) - ONLINE COURSE (Exam Only*) - 3 Ethics CE Credits/Hours
- Telehealth for the Mental Health Professions: Constructive and Evidence-Based Tips for Practicing Safely, Efficiently, and Legally (PDF Format)
- Telehealth for the Mental Health Professions: Constructive and Evidence-Based Tips for Practicing Safely, Efficiently, and Legally
- Telehealth for the Mental Health Professions: Constructive and Evidence-Based Tips for Practicing Safely, Efficiently, and Legally - CE Program (BOOK & TEST) - 3 Credits/Hours
- Telehealth for the Mental Health Professions: Constructive and Evidence-Based Tips for Practicing Safely, Efficiently, and Legally - CE Program (PDF FORMAT) - 3 Credits/Hours
- Telehealth for the Mental Health Professions: Constructive and Evidence-Based Tips for Practicing Safely, Efficiently, and Legally - ONLINE COURSE (Complete Program*) - 3 Credits/Hours
- Ten Commandments for the Expert Witness (Audio CD)
- Terapia Cognitiva Com Casais ("Cognitive Therapy with Couples" Portugese Translation)
- Terapia Cognitiva Con Parejas ("Cognitive Therapy with Couples" Spanish Translation)
- Terapia Cognitiva della Coppia ("Cognitive Therapy with Couples" Italian Translation)
- Terapia Cognitiva Para Transtornos Da Personalidade ("Cognitive Therapy for Personality Disorders - Third Edition" - Portuguese Translation)
- Terapia Poznawcza Dla Par Malzenskich ("Cognitive Therapy with Couples" Polish Translation)
- Therapeutic Exercises for Children: Guided Self-Discovery Using Cognitive-Behavioral Techniques (Japanese Translation)
- Therapeutic Exercises for Children: Guided Self-Discovery Using Cognitive-Behavioral Techniques (Workbook)
- Therapeutic Exercises For Children: Professional Guide
- Therapeutic Exercises for Children: Professional Guide (Japanese Translation)
- Transcending Trauma: Assessment, Stabilization, and Growth - CE Program (BOOK & TEST) - 3 Credits/Hours
- Treating Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse
- Treating OCD in Children and Adolescents - CE Program (BOOK & TEST) - 12 Credits/Hours
- Treating OCD in Children and Adolescents - ONLINE COURSE (Exam Only*) - 12 Credits/Hours
- Treating OCD in Children and Adolescents: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach
- W
- Writing Psychological Reports: A Guide for Clinicians (Second Edition)
- Y