Chapter 1 - Introduction: Goals of This Guidebook: Theoretical Foundations
Chapter 2 - Indications and Contraindications: Introduction * Nature
of Presenting Problem * Comorbidity * Degree of Externalizing Problems *
Severity/Acuity of Problems * Chronological Age * Developmental Considerations
* Family Functioning * Use With More Traditional Forms of Cognitive-Behavioral
Therapy * Concluding Remarks
Chapter 3 - Culturally Responsive Use of Therapeutic Exercises for
Children: Introduction * Ethnic and Cultural Differences in Anxious
and Depressed Children * Gender Differences * Culturally Responsive Adaptations
* Conclusion
Chapter 4 - Working With Individual Children: Introduction *
Remaining Mindful of Cognitive-Behavioral Tenets * Seamless Integration of
Exercises Into Therapy * Maintaining Balance Between Structure and Process
* Graduated Approach to Treatment * Skill Acquisition Versus Skill Application
* Exercises as a Way to Enliven Therapy * Importance of Writing Material
Down on Paper * Conclusion
Chapter 5 - Working With Anxious: Introduction * Worries * Behavioral
Inhibition and Anxiety Sensitivity * Generalized Anxiety Disorder * Social
Phobia/Social Anxiety * Common Cognitive Characteristics Among Anxious Children
* Intervention Planning * Importance of Exposure: Coaching Children Back
in the Saddle * Multiple Treatment Considerations * Conclusion
Chapter 6 - Working With Depressed Children: Introduction * Clinical
Features of Depression * Intervention Planning * Additional Clinical
Considerations * Conclusion
Chapter 7 - Using Therapeutic Exercises for Children With Groups:
Introduction * Advantages of Using Therapeutic Exercises for Children
With Groups * Cautions for Group Therapy * Group Composition * Open Versus
Closed Enrollment * Session Structure * Setting Limits and Defining Rules
* Psychoeducation and Psychotherapy * Using Group Process With Therapeutic
Exercises for Children * Cautions in Therapeutic Processing * Conclusion
Chapter 8 - Working With Parents: Introduction * Parental Variables
in Childhood Anxiety and Depression * Suggestions for Working With Parents
* Conclusion
Chapter 9 - Issues in School-Based Applications of Therapeutic Exercises
for Children: Introduction * Advantages of School-Based Groups *
General Considerations * Obtaining School Support * Participation Issues
* Adapting Therapeutic Exercises for Children to the School * Conducting
the Group * Conclusion
Subject Index
About the Authors
Robert D. Friedberg, PhD, is an Associate Professor on
the core faculty of the School of Professional Psychology at Wright State
University. He directs the predoctoral internship training program and the
Preventing Anxiety and Depression in Youth (PANDY) Program, where many of
these exercises were developed. His area of expertise is cognitive-behavioral
therapy with children. He has published numerous articles and serves on the
editorial boards of several scholarly journals.
Lori E. Crosby, PsyD, is an Assistant Professor of Clinical
Pediatrics in the Division of Psychology as Children's Hospital Medical Center
in Cincinnati, Ohio. She is Director of INNOVATIONS, a community based program
aimed at enhancing understanding of multicultural issues and promoting behavioral
health outcomes for African-American youth. Her research and publications
focus on diversity issues, violence prevention, adolescence, and anxiety.