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Stalking Victimization and Intimate Partner Abuse - Domestic Violence CE Program (PDF FORMAT) - 1 Credit/Hour
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1 Credit Domestic Violence CE Program - PDF Format
Stalking Victimization and Intimate Partner Abuse - Domestic Violence CE Program (PDF FORMAT) - 1 Credit/Hour
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Order any two, 1-credit domestic violence CE programs for $25.00
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• Complete monograph-based CE Program (monograph and CE test module)
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• Also available in self-contained packet or as an Online Course
A 1-credit, 10 question monograph-based domestic violence CE program based on the title,
Stalking Victimization and Intimate Partner Abuse
* by Mindy B. Mechanic, PhD.
*This article is an excerpt from Innovations in Clinical Practice: Focus on Violence Treatment & Prevention (pp. 21-34), by Thomas L. Jackson & Leon VandeCreek (Eds.), 2004, Sarasota, FL: Professional Resource Press. Copyright 2004 by Professional Resource Exchange, Inc.
Upon successful completion, this program
awards 1 domestic violence credit that can be used to meet Florida's (and other state's) requirement for licensure.
Target Audience
Psychologists | School Psychologists | Marriage & Family Therapists | Mental Health Counselors | Social Workers
Learning Level
Learning Objectives
Describe the violent behavior of stalking and Intimate Partner Violence (IPV).
Discuss how stalking and IPV co-occur with other forms of violence.
Explain the emotional and potential physical sequelae of stalking.
Use methods for the evaluations and treatment of victims of stalkers.
About the Author
Mindy B. Mechanic, PhD,
is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at California State University, Fullerton. Her work focuses on the psychosocial consequences of trauma and interpersonal violence. Specific topics she has studied include intimate partner violence, stalking, domestic homicide, and the co-occurrence of child maltreatment and intimate partner violence. She also works in the area of forensic psychology and has served as an expert witness in cases involving battered women charged with crimes and other legal cases involving victimization.
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