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CE Programs - Book & Test (Pen & Paper)
CE Bundle Packs
Florida LCSW, LMFT, and LMHC Continuing Education Requirements Bundle - 10 CE Credits/Hours
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LCSW, LMHC, and LMFT 10 CE Credits/Hours Requirements Bundle
Florida LCSW, LMFT, and LMHC Continuing Education Requirements Bundle - 10 CE Credits/Hours
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Select (2) Domestic Violence CE Programs
Children Exposed to Domestic Violence (CDVCE) - 1 CE Credit/Hour
Domestic Violence and Women With Disabilities (DVWDCE) - 1 CE Credit/Hour
Domestic Violence for Mental Health Professionals (DVMCE) - 1 CE Credit/Hour
Stalking Victimization and Intimate Partner Abuse (SVPACE) - 1 CE Credit/Hour
Select (1) Ethics & Boundary Issues OR Telehealth CE Program
Ethical Risk Management - 2nd Edition (ERM2CEP) - 3 CE Credits/Hours
Tarasoff and Beyond: Legal and Clinical Considerations in the Treatment of Life-Endangering Patients - Third Edition (TAB3CEP) - 3 CE Credits/Hours
Telehealth for the Mental Health Professions: Constructive and Evidence-Based Tips for Practicing Safely, Efficiently, and Legally (TELECEP) - 3 Telehealth Credits/Hours
Florida Statutes & Rules
Statutes and Rules Governing the Practice of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling in Florida (SRGCE) - 3 CE Credits/Hours
Medical Errors
Medical Error Prevention For Mental Health Professions: Important Issues (MECE3) - 2 CE Credits/Hours
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These programs are in a book and test format. The "required" courses are self-contained packets which include the reading material and the test questions. You will be required to fill out an answer sheet and send your answers back in a return envelope (y
ou also have the option of faxing or emailing your results)
The 3-credit/hour "ethics" and "telehealth" programs are based on actual books published by Professional Resource Press.
For more information about each program, follow the links below.
*Please call 800-443-3364 to order bundles in PDF or Online format.*
A 10-credit/hour Continuing Education bundle for Florida LCSWs, LMFTs, and LMHCs
which includes all Florida requirements.
***You must select two, 1-credit/hour Domestic Violence CE programs and one, 3-credit/hour Ethics & Boundaries OR Telehealth CE program
above under "Choose Options."***
We will automatically send the other programs that will fulfill the Florida board's requirements (Medical Errors and Florida Statutes & Rules).
The retail price for these items is $104.95, your special bundle price is $84.95!!!
Program Info Links
Domestic Violence CE Programs
Children Exposed to Domestic Violence - CE Program (Complete Program) - 1 Credit/Hour
Domestic Violence and Women With Disabilities - CE Program (Complete Program) - 1
Domestic Violence for Mental Health Professionals - CE Program (Complete Program) - 1 Credit/Hour
Stalking Victimization and Intimate Partner Abuse - CE Program (Complete Program) - 1 Credit
Ethics & Boundaries and Telehealth CE Programs
Ethical Risk Management: Guidelines for Practice (Second Edition) - CE Program (Book & Test) - 3 Credits
Tarasoff and Beyond: Legal and Clinical Considerations in the Treatment of Life-Endangering Patients (Third Edition) - CE Program (Book & Test) - 3 Credits
Telehealth for the Mental Health Professions: Constructive and Evidence-Based Tips for Practicing Safely, Efficiently, and Legally - CE Program (BOOK & TEST) - 3 Credits/Hours
Medical Errors and Statutes & Rules CE Programs
Medical Error Prevention For Mental Health Professions: Important Issues - CE Program (Complete Program) - 2 Credits/Hours
Statutes and Rules Governing the Practice of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling in Florida - CE Program (Complete Program) - 3 Credits/Hours
for other CE bundle packs for LCSWs, LMFTs, and LMHCs.
Related Items
Florida LCSW, LMFT, and LMHC Continuing Education Bundle - 30 CE Credits/Hours (includes all FL requirements)
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Florida LCSW, LMFT, and LMHC Continuing Education Bundle - 30 CE Credits/Hours (includes FL biennial requirements)
***Please read description before ordering.***
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